Authored by: Tricia Matson, Partner and Lynn Manchester, Director and Janine Bender, Supervisor
The Generator of Economic Scenarios (“GOES”) (E/A) Subgroup (“Subgroup”) is requesting comments on the GOES Model Governance Framework Draft (“the Exposure”). RRC appreciates the opportunity to offer our comments on the Exposure. Should you have any questions, we would be glad to discuss our comments with you and Subgroup members. We appreciate the work that the Subgroup has undertaken to address what we believe is a critical industry issue, namely a model governance framework for the GOES model which is intended to mitigate risk by providing governance and controls for scenarios generated for use within the industry.
RRC Comments Regarding GOES (E/A) Subgroup’s GOES Model Governance Framework Draft Exposure
Authored by: Tricia Matson, Partner and Lynn Manchester, Director and Janine Bender, Supervisor
The Generator of Economic Scenarios (“GOES”) (E/A) Subgroup (“Subgroup”) is requesting comments on the GOES Model Governance Framework Draft (“the Exposure”). RRC appreciates the opportunity to offer our comments on the Exposure. Should you have any questions, we would be glad to discuss our comments with you and Subgroup members. We appreciate the work that the Subgroup has undertaken to address what we believe is a critical industry issue, namely a model governance framework for the GOES model which is intended to mitigate risk by providing governance and controls for scenarios generated for use within the industry.