The vast majority of our Actuarial team members are Fellows of the Society of Actuaries (FSA’s) or the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS’s) and the majority are Members of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). Other designations held by our Actuarial team members include ASA (Associate of the Society of Actuaries), ACAS (Associate of the Casualty Actuary Society), CERA (Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst), MAAA (Member, American Academy of Actuaries), CPCU (Charter Property Casualty Underwriter), and ARM (Associated Risk Manager).
Our actuarial team has been directly involved in actuarial professionalism and standards, including serving as past President of the American Academy of Actuaries (AAA), past Chair of the Actuarial Standards Board, current member of the Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline, current member of the AAA Board of Directors, and in several other actuarial leadership positions.
Members of our team consistently provide thought leadership by performing training at industry association events such as Career Development Seminars (CDS) for the Society of Financial Examiners (SOFE) and the Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society (IRES) as well as for the Insurance Accounting and Systems Association (IASA) and the American Academy of Actuaries (AAA) among others. We have also provided training for numerous insurance departments on a variety of industry topics, including Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and ORSA, reinsurance, liquidity, long-term care, Big Data, and effective use of actuaries in the risk-focused examination process. RRC team members have written many articles, three of which won the SOFE Editor’s Choice Award.