Authored by: Edward Toy – Director, Investment Specialist To say that 2022 was an eventful year for investments would be a significant understatement. Interest rates rose across the entire yield curve. Market spreads varied. Equity markets jumped up and down. Oil prices spiked and then settled back down. Commercial real estate values rallied before dropping....
Authored by: Edward Toy – Director, Investment Specialist It is commonly understood that investment profiles, strategies and practices differ among U.S. insurance companies. Life insurance companies invest differently from Property & Casualty (“P&C) and Health insurance companies. These differences reflect different needs in asset-liability management and meeting liquidity requirements. In addition to differences across insurer...
Authored by: Edward Toy – Senior Manager, Investment Specialist The COVID-19 Pandemic resulted in economic turmoil and substantial disruption to virtually every investment market in 2020. In many ways the recovery in the second half of 2020 and into 2021 was nearly as surprising to analysts. The areas of potential concern were overtaken by the...
Authored by: Edward Toy – Senior Manager, Investment Specialist 2021 was generally a good year for investment markets after a tumultuous 2020. The S&P 500 reported an overall price gain of 26.9%. National indices of commercial real estate values recovered significantly. Bond defaults and rating agency downgrades moderated significantly. As insurance regulators head into 2022,...
Authored by: Tricia Matson & Ed Toy The Macroprudential (E) Working Group (MWG) and Financial Stability (E) Task Force (FSTF) exposed for comment a set of Regulatory Considerations Applicable (But Not Exclusive) to Private Equity (PE) Owned Insurers (Considerations). RRC appreciates the opportunity to offer our comments. Should you have any questions, we would be...
Authored by: Tricia Matson The Long Term Care Insurance Multistate Rate Review Subgroup (“the Subgroup”) exposed a Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) Multistate Rate Review Framework (“the Framework”) which covers a potential approach to increase consistency of LTCI rate review actions across states and improve efficiency of LTCI rate reviews for insurers. RRC appreciates the...
Authored by: Tricia Matson & Ed Toy The Life Actuarial Task Force (LATF) issued a request for feedback related to the concept of an actuarial guideline (AG) focusing on modeling of complex or high-yielding assets in asset adequacy testing (AAT). This request relates to the increasing use of complex investments to back reserves, and the...
RRC Comments Regarding Regulatory Considerations Applicable (But Not Exclusive) to PE Owned Insurers